Hive installation is simple.I installed Hadoop in standalone mode on ubuntu linux machine.Download Hive into local drive from the latest releases.I used
Download hive from apache site into your local Ubuntu folder |
Untar hive.
Untar |
Move the binary into the hive home directory /usr/local/hive. Use sudo root password if you dont have permission.
Move the file into /usr/local/hive |
Export variables and save it in .bashrc.
export variables and save in .bashrc |
Here you go. In standalone mode, Hive shell will automatically detect the local HDFS and mapreduce nodes .Fire hive shell.
Start hive shell .Use set-v to see all configuration variables |
Create a table book with a column string of data type string.
Create table syntax |
From Another terminal window, Use hadoop fs -ls command to see the hive table is a directory in HDFS.
hive table is a directory in HDFS |
Let us load a file into Hive.copy file book into HDFS using hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <local file system source> <HFDS Destination>
Copy the file named book to HDFS using hadoop fs -copyFromLocal command |
Load the file into Hive table using LOAD DATA
From Hive shell ,Load the HDFS file 'book' into the Hive table book |
SELECT * from table to see the data.
any questions, comments , please feel free to add .